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Waushara County

Alder Creek

40 Acres Protected

A 22 acre swamp hardwood stand on this conservancy includes white cedar, black ash, American elm, white birch, swamp white oak, black oak, aspen, and tamarack. This stand provides excellent habitat for deer, turkey and grouse. An additional 11 acres of red and white poletimber are enrolled in the Managed Forest Law.

As with many wetlands, the wetland at Alder Creek provides a filter for sediment and pollutants, natural flood control, and replenishes the underground water supply. The wetland drains to the headwaters of Alder Creek and then into Lake Poygan.

Dohr White Oak Morraine & Knoll

61 Acres Protected

This conservancy is two pieces provided by the same property owner in Waushara County. The conservancy, including kettles, glacial ridges and moraines, is a prime example of the Wisconsin glacial ice age which created the crystal clear waters of Long Lake just south of this conservancy. Dohr’s White Oak Moraine preserves native Wisconsin ecosystems and habitat for plants and wildlife all in an accessible locale for observation, enjoyment, study, and general viewing. The operation of the ecosystem and its animal and vegetative elements are returning to their natural state as found by surveyors in 1851. Dohrs' Knoll offers a striking vista of Waushara County northward to Waupaca County; it is striking that this forested block contains remnants of the same forest that surveyors described in 1851. Trees found on the conservancy include red pine, white pine, jack pine, aspen, white spruce, norway spruce, red oak and black oak, including some very large in diameter.  An open area contains staghorn sumac, grape vines, and oak seedlings.

With its fully intact vegetative cover, the entire parcel contributes to the stabilization if the sandy soils and allows for a controlled recharge of the local aquifer.

Mt. Morris I & II Karner Blue Conservancy

103 Acres Protected

Protecting the federally and state threatened Karner Blue Butterfly, the landowner has enrolled in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Karner Blue Habitat Restoration Program. The sandy soil is also ideal habit for the two species of cactus that grow within the conservancy and the prairie restoration taking place. A two acre pond and three acres of associated wetlands are included the Mount Morris Conservancy that is located adjacent to two heavily developed inland lakes.

Pine River I

80 Acres Protected

As a class 2 trout stream at this point along its course, the Pine River is an example of the special nature of "Sand County Trout Streams" listed in Wisconsin's Land Legacy Report. The Lower Pine River flows through this property and eventually outlets into Lake Poygan. Totaling 308 square miles in Waupaca, Waushara and Winnebago counties, the Pine River and Willow Creek Watershed drains into the Winnebago pools lakes.

With its fully intact vegetation cover, the entire parcel contributes to the stabilization of the sandy soils, protection of the water quality of the Lower Pine River and Lake Poygan, and allows for a controlled recharge of the local aquifer.


Pine River II

56 Acres Protected

Across the river from the 80 acre Pine River I Conservancy, Pine River II adds 1,788 feet of protected shoreline along this class 2 trout stream. The two Pine River conservancies preserve a total of 136 acres of contiguous environmentally sensitive habitat sheltering three state threatened bird species: red-shouldered hawk, cerulean warbler, and acadian flycatcher.

Sharing the same heavily forested habitat as Pine River I, black oak, red oak, white oak, bur oak, black cherry, and shagbark hickory are here. Unique to this conservancy is the large number very large glacial erratics scattered throughout the rolling property.

The river flows through this property and eventually outlets into Lake Poygan. The entire Pine River Watershed drains into the Winnebago Pool Lakes and eventually into Green Bay.

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