Deborah Nett
Executive Director
Resides in: Calumet County
Deborah has been Executive Director at Northeast Wisconsin Land Trust since 2006. With over 20 years’ of experience in the nonprofit sector and a passion for the northeast Wisconsin landscape she has fostered significant growth of the organization and its land preservation work, now protecting over 5,000 acres of land. Deborah graduated with highest honors from the University of Wisconsin and has previous experience in nonprofit administration, organizational development, fundraising, drafting government easements, environmental policy, program management and public engagement.
Deb has been a School Board President and roadside clean-up organizer. She has conducted research and public opinion surveys for community leaders and been a children’s librarian. She managed a government program in the schools, drafted Corps of Engineer contracts and worked at an organic farm growing produce for restaurants. She was accepted to law school, but chose the land trust instead.
Deborah’s dedication to land conservation stems from a penchant to explore off the beaten path natural places, a love of challenge and a long held belief that devoting one’s time to a good cause is the shortest route to a fulfilling life.
Deborah has been married for over 25 years and has two grown daughters.